Are you a healer? Are you a Spiritual Teacher? Or are you learning in this life time to be one? Dive into consciousness, our SOUL Fields with Spirit Guides and Higher Selves. Listen in to sessions where we go into another aspect of self (past lives). We are in the Grand Ascension, the Grand Awakening. Interested in esoteric knowledge? Want to inspire others? Share your awareness to help humanity? Then this podcast is for you.

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Positive Affirmations
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
My friend James Pearce channeled these affirmations. He sent me a text and asked what I thought of these affirmations. I thought they were great and very true.
Then Spirit is like, Isabelle we want you to record these and I'm like really? Yes, Isabelle record them now. And so I channeled and read the affirmations. I put background music and added this to my YouTube Channel.
All you need to do is listen to my voice and close your eyes. Then when I ask you to tune-in or how you feel take notice.
Now I want you to know that when you do positive affirmations, you are changing your vibration. So do positive affirmations work? Yes in a way, it is but one tool to your greater awareness and clarity. These affirmations are reminders for you.
You are way more than the image in the mirror. You are a being of light.

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Teachers Class Intensive Heart Work
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
In this episode I discuss the teachers class of Intensive Heart Work. There are nuggets of Wisdom explaining bringing the denser emotions into oneness. All of humanity will have to bring the contrast into oneness. The acceptance of these emotions of blame, shame, guilt, etc. to feel, process and understanding. To feel the beauty of these emotions is priceless and amazing.
This is an advanced class. There is a criteria that needs to be met. You can find more around this class at www.attractingwisdom.com

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Spirit Aware Rachel Coffey
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Rachel experienced a near death experience (NDE) and the amount of love and understanding changed her life. She had a spiritual experience that could not be denied by the conditioned mind.
We all have had a spiritual experience, we felt it but we do not connect the pieces or deepen our connection to our inner being. Listen to this amazing journey of Rachel's. It is awe inspiring. Rachel is a powerful healer. She does massage work Reiki. She is available for distant Reiki sessions. You can contact her via her Facebook page.

Saturday Feb 11, 2023
I want to talk to your heart, not your mind.
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
In this podcast I discuss the programming and conditioning. What if you were transported to another planet. You see that they have different rules of engagement, a different focus to life. You would either relate, judge or accept the way of their paradigm. What if you had the ability of being telepathic and that you did not need to understand their language for you would be able to communicate through feeling, imagery, and use their own words to communicate. That you were connected to your innerbeing, higher consciousness, in love and not fear.
You have this ability here on this plane of existence. You also have experienced different rules and cultures when you were a child going over to your friends house for the first time and meeting their family. You saw how different family units lived and interacted with each other. Now dear one, why are you not taking the steps to connect with your heart, your innerbeing? Why are you not bringing this awareness into your every day reality?
Enjoy the teaching.
Be brave and courageous my brothers and sisters.
This is the life to be aware to higher consciousness and connect with your heart.
You are way more than image in the mirror.
I will be doing live events, courses, to find out more, go to https://www.attractingwisdom.com
You can also book a Quantum Healing Session where we go into your soul field and connect with higher consciousness. These are beautiful sessions where you gain clarity and understanding.

Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Time Lines, Dimensions, Zetas, Essassani and A.I.
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
In this Podcast, I discuss conspiracy theories and share spiritual lessons given to me. I discuss timelines and how it all perfect. How do you jump timelines and dimensions?
You must tune in. You must raise your vibration. Are you more in love or in fear?
When your vibration is higher, you do not need the exploration of manifestation events because you have worked on your limiting beliefs.

Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Mathilde Villageois Spirit Aware
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Meet Mathilde!
I ask her when did you know spirit was real. Her response, "You know I think I just experienced it. It wasn’t a thought. It wasn’t a message, I just shifted in one instance to the next. I had my first deep experience meditating. It was the first day of my Yoga teacher training. I cried of Joy during Shavasana (a Yoga Meditation) and I never had before. I released so much anger and resentment towards my own family that I couldn’t deny that I had been helped by Spirit. That I connected to a higher source of love that was allowing me to expand myself and to be different. To let go of my blind side.
One day, one week, at the end of the Yoga teacher training, I was channeling beautifully. Something had shifted. More and more impressed by the beauty we can uncover, if we are open to it, to learn more about Spirit and every time I would go to a yoga class I would receive clear messages.
And so I asked, "How did you know it was different from your normal thoughts? Her answer: All of sudden you feel like you are very smart and it is non stop. When you are having the most beautiful insights. You can not lose an argument. When your mind is so stable and grounded.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Spirit Aware Nikki Fouere
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Come meet Nikki who is an energy therapist. Nikki drops nuggets of wisdom, "Fruits of meditation is a more peaceful life." Can you catch them all? She shares her story that she knew that God existed. The better question is when did she stop seeing God as a judging God? Can you relate? She talks about The Law of Attraction and the various awakenings. Her increased psychic ability and channeling. Nikki is an amazing therapist you can find her at http://www.eftforchange.com If you want to meet Asana, Nikki's innerbeing or her expanded self. You can check it the podcast of her session under hypnosis @ https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-rg6nk-ab938b And of course you can always find me @ https://www.attractingwisdom.com and book a call. It is time for you to connect to your own inner being, higher consciousness, and rise up from the conditioned mind, the Ego mind.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Spirit Aware Artur Janusz Domowicz
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Meet Artur Janusz Domonwicz! He shares his story about his grandfather coming to visit his father before he died at the foot of the bed. A story about a broken porcelain bell and how he received a book, "Allow Yourself to be Surrounded by Love."
I love how Spirit was working with Artur to connect to his innerbeing. We also discuss hidden beliefs. I share my awareness around the belief I held that it was better to give than receive. Reach out to Artur if you are interested in the Crystal Skulls.
I recently did a meditation with him in a group and connecting with this collective was so much fun! If you want to learn more about the course he took link is below. https://www.attractingwisdom.com/online-courses

Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Red, Yellow, Green Go! A Spirit Teaching
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
In this Episode I share a Spirit Teaching that I pass onto you. Traffic lights can be messages. Red Light, what are you resisting? Yellow Light, caution, pay attention to your thoughts. Green Light, you are in the flow, you have little resistance. Enjoy the Podcast! You can always find me @AttractingWisdom

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Spirit Aware June Jamieson
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Spirit Aware are the Podcasts series that I am doing, asking this one question. "When did you know when Spirit was real?" I am creating this series to spark you, to help you remember and MOST of all take the steps to connect to your Innerbeing/Higherself/Divine/Source.
To channel and hear your team of non-physical peeps as I like to call them. This is the life to rise from your Ego Mind to your Higher Mind. Connecting to your heart.
Meet June Jamieson a powerful psychic and hypnotherapist that is connected with her guides and Orpheus. You can reach out to June who specializes in weight loss. Her email is Jamieson.June@aol.com
I love her story as a child with her experience and Journey.